Yii Migration 支援多種抽象欄位類型,如下所示:
- pk: an auto-incremental primary key type, will be converted into "int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY"
- string: string type, will be converted into "varchar(255)"
- text: a long string type, will be converted into "text"
- integer: integer type, will be converted into "int(11)"
- boolean: boolean type, will be converted into "tinyint(1)"
- float: float number type, will be converted into "float"
- decimal: decimal number type, will be converted into "decimal"
- datetime: datetime type, will be converted into "datetime"
- timestamp: timestamp type, will be converted into "timestamp"
- time: time type, will be converted into "time"
- date: date type, will be converted into "date"
- binary: binary data type, will be converted into "blob"